Sunday 14 April 2013

How to stop colleagues stealing your salad dressing at work

Let's face it, dressings are what make salads worth eating. Without dressings, your salad is essentially tortoise food. Having been told that I look like a tortoise when I eat, I am keen to remove myself from further comparisons, and so prefer my salads to be dressed with a healthy portion of oil and vinegar. For some reason, I find the addition of salt and pepper to a salad to be hedonistic, and never add either. Except to tomatoes.

I always make salad dressings myself rather than buying them. I normally make at least double, more often triple, quantity, so I always have some in the fridge when I need it. Basic dressings made with oil, vinegar, honey and mustard can be stored for months in screw-top jars. Since fresh herbs will go black once cut, you can always sprinkle herbs over the salad rather than adding to the dressing if you want to include them.

Do not store your salad dressing in the fridge at work: someone, or, more likely, several people will steal it. Unless your dressing contains dairy, it doesn't need to be kept in the fridge; just keep it in your drawer (which, for a reason I don't know, we call a pedestal).

Strangely, I always keep salad dressing in the fridge at home. It is unlikely someone will steal it from here. In fact, the opposite is true: I often hide things I don't want O to eat in the salad drawer of the fridge, as I know he will never look in there for snacks. 

Here's some salads to have with your dressing:

Ham salad, 70s style 
Apple and rocket salad
Roasted vegetable salad

Or some more substantial salads:

Sausage salad
Vegetarian salads
Chicken noodle salad

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